So, you've finally completed your tertiary education and graduated, the most logical thing to do next is to get a good job, earn good money yadaa yadaa. Or so you've been told. Right?
But have you ever find yourself asking, "What should I really do with my life?" "Should I go for a job or should I start something of my own?" "Was I actually interested in my major?" "What if I have passion in different fields that I am unable to find a career that connects all those fields?" "What if I'm stuck with a career that I couldn't connect with?" "What if I don't have enough time to check the '30-things-I should-do-before-I-turn-30' list?"
Well if you've answered YES to most of the questions, then you're surely not alone my friend! Because those questions have been pestering my mind, body and soul for the past how many months, I don't know! Haha. I call this "quarter life crisis" symptoms! And I'm not even 25 yet! Crap!
1) Do not wait until the right time! There is no such thing as the right timing. Because truth is, you have the power to make that second, the right time! Every second counts! Now it is time to really do something or to start doing what you've always wanted to do. And eventually, you will find that you are actually going to the right direction.
2) Don't limit yourself. It's okay to be cautious with things you want to do in life, but as long as it wouldn't harm you in a long run (or short run), just go for it! Do random stuff. Go hiking. Volunteer at the oldfolks home. Plan random weekend getaway. Sign up for music lessons (even you just don't have the musical blood running in you). Or, you can always buy cheap discount coupouns at GROUPON! Haha!
3) Accept changes. Most of us know that our current state of life is not the ideal state that we've always been dreaming of. We want to do a lot better, but only some of us have the courage to accept the fact that they can change their situation. I mean, we are responsible of our own happiness, not anyone else!
4) Don't ponder on the past for too long! It's okay to look back, regret on a few things that we could've done better. Coulda, woulda, shoulda! We're only human anyway! But what's not okay is to think that we could go back to our past and change it. No dude, you don't have the power to do that. So, what you can do is to make your future counts!
5) Never settle for something that is second best. Maybe there are times that you think you've strived hard enough and you just want to settle with what you have. Well, don't! Because you can always improve yourself, do better.
The world is your oyster, baby! Take risks, fail, repeat but never surrender!